Thursday, 11 March 2021

Collaboration with Bob Loukas: Bitcoin's Market Cycles

We have Bob Loukas on the show today to discuss Bitcoin's market cycles, where we may be in our current market cycle, and some speculation on where we may be headed. Bob provides insight into how to navigate the volatile cryptocurrency market and general strategies for being successful. We also have a discussion on risk and the general altcoin market. TA Video by Benjamin Cowen Collaboration with Bob Loukas.

1:09​ General outlook for Bitcoin
5:20​ Market Cycles
10:45​ Shifted Peaks
13:03​ Corrections/Institutions
17:35​ New people in the space
21:26​ Deterministic Thinking
25:50​ Strategy/Accumulation phases
29:20​ Risk Management
36:17​ Altcoins