Saturday, 13 November 2021

Cash Vital to Pull Trigger When Liquidity Mayhem Hits

Cash Vital to Pull Trigger When Liquidity Mayhem Hits, Rick Rule Doubles Down. Video by Stansberry Research.

Causes of inflation have been in place for five to six years, where quantitative easing has been debasing the dollar, says Rick Rule, founder and CEO of Rule Investment Media. "I don't in the near-term see a stock market crash," he tells Daniela Cambone, "with lots of cash on the sidelines in a strong economy."

Rule believes that gold and cryptocurrencies are complementary asset classes, saying "there's lots of room for both of them."

He details why the true threat to gold is, "probably the S&P 500." Rule concludes the importance of storing liquidity and predicts a forthcoming confidence crisis, urging the investor "to decide for themselves if they want to be a profiteer or victim."

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