"Outside assets like bitcoin, silver, and gold," are being purchased by those who are apprehensively against continued investment into the dollar, says Garrett Goggin, editor of the Silver Stock Analyst, because its falling value due to its weaponization against Russia. China is looking to diversify, "trillions of dollars," into commodities that are outside assets, "which will send them through the roof," he tells our Daniela Cambone. Goggin continues by saying investors would be, "extremely wise to diversify into some outside assets, outside the system, because of inflation and loss of purchasing power." Silver is extremely volatile on the upside, he asserts, saying the precious metal is like, "gold on steroids," once it gets going. Goggin details why he prefers the silver miners over owning physical silver because they, "offer you leverage." "I see gold, crypto, and silver working together to create an outside system not as dependent on the traditional banking system," as the dollar tumbles in value over time, he concludes.