Wednesday, 18 May 2022
Fed Hikes After June Are Highly Unlikely, U.S. Economy Would Completely Shatter
The Fed is going to keep raising rates until the economy falls apart," and we're at a point where they're, "going to take their foot off the gas," warns Garrett Goggin, editor of the Silver Stock Analyst, www.SilverStockOffer.com. "There hasn't been a better time to buy silver and silver stocks in the past ten years than now," he shares with our Daniela Cambone. Technically silver is in a bear market, Goggin admits but forecasts a stark upturn over the next year. "I wouldn't be surprised to see gold well north of $2,500 an ounce," as this rate hike cycle continues, he predicts. The only thing that matters with crypto is bitcoin, "because it's proof of work," and bitcoin is, "no doubt a form of stored energy," Goggin continues. I see, "bitcoin as a store of value like gold," and I see stores of value continuing to do better. Video by Stansberry Research.